Wednesday, January 16, 2008

lessons from the O.T.

we've been reading out of the Old Testament, Exodus right now. There is always something refreshing about the OT stories that we seem to forget the details of. There is also something refreshing for me to hear, buried within the details of the law, brief glimpses that God gives for why His law is what it is and what it will mean for His people.

it is beautiful to read the details of the plans for the tabernacle, and think of how God would, unlike other gods, "tabernacle" with his people. it is beautiful to hear how God designs the robes of Aaron the high priest ("for glory and beauty") knowing that Aaron, in the beauty of his robes, was a symbol of what Jesus would be on our behalf. beautiful to see that our God, unlike other gods, gives His Son as the perfect mediator between ourselves and Him.

and it is wonderful to hear Moses plead to God on behalf of a people who completely misunderstand Who and What God is, and don't even really trust Him, and hear God choose to spare them, both for the sake of His own name, and because of Moses' plea.

it's beautiful to read of the time of the old covenant, the beginning of God's life with His own people, and think of how excited God must have been when the time came to finally set these plans of His in motion.


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