Friday, September 26, 2008

i like homeless people

i'm concerned about homeless people. i've been living in this neighborhood for two years and been a frequent visitor to it for much longer, and i have been started by the number of homeless people as of late.

i remember a time, probably about two years back, when there was a homeless man standing off of route 8 and buchtel, with a sign saying he needed food or work or some such thing. at the time i remember that my friends matt and adam went out to see him, to see what he needed.

now i would say that more often than not during the day, there is a homeless man there with a similar sign. and i've been watching to see if it's the same group of them, it's not. and the areas that they are starting to hang out in are spreading. it could be that the numbers aren't changing and the homeless are just moving around.

but it is not encouraging that i see different ones all the time. and other than the occasional cash or snack that i give them (yes, i do give money to the homeless), i have yet to think of anything that could be done about it. their signs all say that they want work... i have no work to give them. ideas? i don't want to sit here thinking that i can do nothing. i just don't know what i can do yet.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

quo vadis domine

one of the more basic things that we tend to teach children and newer Christians is that God will lead the way and show us the path before us.

Knute has always taught (sometimes rightly, and sometimes to my dismay) that you can follow the will of God no matter where you go, and to an extent, no matter what you do. He always teaches that being in the will of God is not about specific places - "God doesn't care if you live in Florida or Ohio", and not about specific things - "God doesn't care if you're an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, or a pastor." and to some extend of course he is right.

but I had been bogged down in this thought, and afraid, because in thinking that i could do anything and still be within the will of God, i became afraid that God didn't have a plan and i was going to have to figure out what to do with my life on my own.

but that's not what we teach... we remember the Israelites, who had a pillar of fire before them, and of Jonah, who was sent to a city he despised, and of Paul, who was sent to the Gentiles (and of Peter, who wasn't really), and of Nehemiah, who returned home to build the walls. and we teach that God has a plan (the famous Jeremiah 29:11), and that God has a plan for each one of us.

"Guide me Oh Thou Great Jehova" alex's blog reads.

"Quo Vadis, Domine" - the title of a pretty decent book, which can be poorly translated from the Latin to say, "Lord, where do we go from here?" (which the author attributes to be the sentiment of Peter, after the Lord had left.)

as i sit here envious of my friend joe and a man named strivings, and of anne and aaron, for the paths that God has led them in... i guess it's time to take comfort in my basic disagreement with Knute, that God does has something specific in mind for me, and it will be revealed in His time.

Friday, September 5, 2008

akron in the Fall

i went to cf for the first time this year last night, and while i knew it was coming, it was the first time it really hit me: my version of akron is different now.

i've been through changes before: i both moved to grove and moved back from grove. and i remember when i left grove to come back here, there was that terrible feeling hiding amogst my faith, that no matter what, i couldn't have all of the same things in my life anymore. there were some things (people) that i would have to move on from. things i loved.

and it hit me last night: akron is going to be different. this year is going to be different.

i had faith when i left grove that it was for a purpose ("akron OH - for a purpose", as my good friend Jon would have said, as he made the same change from grove that i did). and it was, and i love akron, and things are good.

but i feel like i have yet again come to the place where most of my best friends and people i admire the most are no longer by my side. but i can easily cling to my hope this time, because the last time i did this, God made things better than i even imagined.

i think that change is going to drive me back to my introverted self again for a while. so you might be able to read more of my life here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

the summer's going by fast

i look to the end of the summer for some changes: back to school for the last semester, moving to my third house in three years (also other people moving to new houses), as always in the fall good friends are moving on, weddings (no not mine), and moving into a new phase at my church where i'm not sure if i even have a place at the moment.

weird. and a weird summer it's been.

i want to write some thoughts about boston. i want to write some thoughts about the business world. i want to write some thougths about relationships.

i'm going to wait a few days i think.

Monday, June 9, 2008

lessons from the first few weeks of a desk job, Part 1

this is my first 8-5 experience. before this, for employment i have mostly been a server or a camp counselor. those are distinctive lifestyles in and of themselves...

but now, i sit in a cubicle, and mostly do things that amount to programming excel all day. which unfortunately i am good at, and so they continue to have me do it.

and doing this has brought to a head many things i had been feeling about my life, that i won't go in to at the moment, but the biggest thing it has brought me to, is to reevaluate why i began in economics in the first place.

this leads to two things:

1) there is nothing wrong of course with choosing to take a stable job and raise a family in a stable manner (though this gets more complicated if you are a woman, the way our culture works...)

2) i don't believe that i signed up for economics to sit in an office all day. i have a degree in math; i am already perfectly equipped to be useful in an office. however, this had led to my discovery of my own dealings with temptation.

i intend to post on these two things separately.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


...something i'm becoming more and more thoughtful and passionate about.

one of my best and dearest friends in the world is a black man. that in and of itself has indirectly exposed me to a lot of the racism of others and taught me to be careful how i think of things.

i think i felt true racism for the first time in my life earlier this year. and i may partly have felt it because i was tired and overworked, and it came upon me at times when i was mentally weak anyway. and not that i did or would ever have acted on it, but it did raise some questions in my mind. it led me to wonder whether i should consider that some cultures are superior to others. after all, the reason i felt racism against certain people was because of their culture, not really their race.

and not to say that my culture is really superior to another... that would be a dangerous thought. but i do think that if i am allowed (and encouraged) to dislike certain aspects of my own culture, then i should be allowed to also, respectfully and lovingly, dislike aspects of other cultures. this does not mean i can discriminate against a person of another culture, any more than i would discriminate against myself. but i think it is ok and good even to dislike aspecs of other cultures.

that said... more careful thought is needed.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

summer in akron

i have to turn in my school laptop today... and so i've been sitting here, removing the files that i've built up over the past two semesters.

and what a weird two semesters it has been. i thought things would be different this year... i thought i would be more free, as opposed to more busy. rather i was constantly faced with choices consisting of whether i would succeed in school (and by "succeed" i mean, "pass", not exactly excel) or whether i would do all the things i would have liked, and by all accounts, probably "should" have done.

this summer i will be interning at first energy, with thier "rates and regulatory group", whatever that means (statstical cost/input forecasting, i think). it was weird, i ran into a guy i'm acquainted with at a wedding, who is a big VP at first energy... asked me what i was doing this summer and gave me a job. in praying about whether or not to take it, i realized that my choices about where i was going were simple: it is between reestablishing my akron roots and running off to somewhere else in the world. i don't know how i feel about working "a real job". i don't know how i feel about a movement towards settling down, which is what is probably expected of me, especially with my health. but i felt that God led and took me to this place and brought me suddenly through a door, and i do love akron. but i'm somewhat averse to the thought of settling down so soon. that seems like an irreversable thing, once it happens.

i look forward to life being more settled though for the summer, as opposed to my consistent near all-nighters and 7day, 5night work weeks for school.

Monday, May 5, 2008

we have not been writing
none of us
except joe...

i hope to join him in that next week, as i will be done with the craziest semester of my life on friday night.

hopefully my sanity will begin to return then... and my ability to keep up with the people i care about.

Monday, March 17, 2008

i still haven't reconciled

i am increasingly confused by the dichotomy of making people "one of our own", ie, allowing them into my inner circle of friends, and understanding the wisdom of separating from thoes who are not of the same heart.

for example

when i go to a st patty's day party tonight, actually two, where there will be drinking, some of the 'excessive' drinking may occur among people who are within an inner circle of my friends.

someone else may not choose to go to the same party because they feel that it may be 'out of control.' granted that person perhaps does not know my friends in the same way that i do, but will they only see the drinking and not the people?

or will i only see my 'love' for my friends and not what is wisest for them or for myself?

(not that i particularly struggle with the issue of drinking)

Jesus says not to be unequally yoked (whatever that might mean), and the Bible has a consistent message of fleeing from foolishness. though i'm not sure that it means to refuse to be near people who exhibit some foolishness, since Jesus was the friend of sinners to the point of being closest to the scapegoats of society...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

in regards to future and faith

i think i've been acting with a measure of foolishness.

Monday, March 3, 2008

busy-ness and injury

i have been busy.

school has been busy.

also i have been injured. that has made things even more busy, as being injured has slowed me down a lot (i have broken my tailbone, a suprisingly difficult thing to recover from).
and i have been tired.

so i apologize for my lack of involvement in your life. i apologize for my lack of involvement in my own life. i would say that it will change, but i have a feeling that over the next several weeks (8ish) it won't.

that is not to say that life has been bad. that is not to say that i have stopped learning or growing. and it is not to say that i have stopped thinking of you.

i didn't count the cost of this semester very well when i came here. after this semester it should be better. i look forward to summer when i will love people and be invoved in their lives again. until then... i will love from a distance and walk down this road.

i've always believed God had plans for me in injury or sickness in the past, and so i believe now. but i have yet to see what it might be this time...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

spending time

in my last entry i wrote,
"i can't give much write now" (or something alone those lines)

i spent the next few days wondering what i had meant by that in the first place, realizing it was a simple outpouring of the attitude that i did not like, but kept finding in my heart. i realized that it had been there since december... a realization that there had been things i wanted to do this semester, but am not, nor do i know how i could be.

on the other side of this, this semester is the hardest one i will go through in my program... the most time-consuming one. i do not defend my previous sentiment that i couldn't give much, but this semester does leave me tired.

but i know that sentiment was in the first place not Godly, and in the second place betrayed my incorrect focus, which should not be on something so simple as how much time i can give, but on the quality of how i spend my time.

interestingly enough, small group turned out to be on this topic tonight as well.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

trials of being a grad student

i've grown tired of empiricially deriving the consumption function and helping people with advanced calc as opposed to, well, doing something. i spend a lot of time crunching numbers these days and reading about other people's work on the same. while numbers are useful and all, even a mathematician/economist grows tired of relying on numbers. also i get tired of listening to people talk about numbers that have very real consequences for people... without really thinking of people. it's been a while since i've had time to read about anything enjoyable or felt as though i were learning about something i cared about.

i know i need certain tools, but... the consumption function? what could be more boring.

i think it's possible that that might be enough to send me back to camp carl this summer. i can't give much during the semester, but maybe i can give my summer.

Monday, January 21, 2008

the Old is enough

we've been reading out of the Old Testament.

this morning when i woke up, somehow i found myself unsatisfied with the reading i've been doing lately (mostly out of Exodus. though God does do some pretty cool things in Exodus.). i was craving the words of Jesus, the words of Paul; the words that i had been raised on in the faith. so i read most of the book of Ephesians and a bit of 1 Timothy to make myself feel better.

it made me think about what it must have been like to only have the O.T., to only have the Torah. people did for many years. and of course it was enough for them; that was what God had given, and our God is the God of Enough.

but i found it striking to consider how blesssed we were to have the words of the New Testament to add to those of the Old. and it made me think of how the Old is enough; and yet we find the picture more beautiful and more fulfilling with the New. we could live on the words of the O.T. alone, but that is not what God has ordained for us any longer. He has made things better.

praise Jesus for His words.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

lessons from the O.T.

we've been reading out of the Old Testament, Exodus right now. There is always something refreshing about the OT stories that we seem to forget the details of. There is also something refreshing for me to hear, buried within the details of the law, brief glimpses that God gives for why His law is what it is and what it will mean for His people.

it is beautiful to read the details of the plans for the tabernacle, and think of how God would, unlike other gods, "tabernacle" with his people. it is beautiful to hear how God designs the robes of Aaron the high priest ("for glory and beauty") knowing that Aaron, in the beauty of his robes, was a symbol of what Jesus would be on our behalf. beautiful to see that our God, unlike other gods, gives His Son as the perfect mediator between ourselves and Him.

and it is wonderful to hear Moses plead to God on behalf of a people who completely misunderstand Who and What God is, and don't even really trust Him, and hear God choose to spare them, both for the sake of His own name, and because of Moses' plea.

it's beautiful to read of the time of the old covenant, the beginning of God's life with His own people, and think of how excited God must have been when the time came to finally set these plans of His in motion.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

miss anya in my life

i used to have more to say i guess; i used to write a lot more often.

i sat down today after saying goodbye to anya last night, wishing that she was free to say more in her 'blog' than she is (i then reprimanded myself for not having been more forward to seek her out in places where she could say more, such as skype). i miss her thoughts, which are often so unlike mine, and so refreshing.

i miss her heart, which belives so strongly in humility and simplicity and love.

and i asked myself where i had failed to believe so strongly in humility and simplicity. i found one answer in a place i thought was unlikely: an erwin mcmanus book that i saw katie thompson reading last summer and swiped from a roomate. and i realized that my lack of committment to humility and simplicity had led to at least one area of trouble for my life.

also last night (for whatever reason) we had the primaries on tv. and i admit (though sadly) that my change of heart over the last two years is more clearly shown by which candidate i support this year than in many other areas of my life. i support a candidate that my parents and many close friends would be ashamed of. but i beleive that while he does not necessarily know what is "best" for the "economy", he is committed to simplicity and equality, and a principle that it is better for all the shares of the pie to be big enough than for the pie itself to be bigger (economists will understand that picture).

i guess this has become rambling. what i want to say is: thank you anya for being key in the change that God has brought into my heart. you are in my thoughts and prayers as you go back to serve God more.