Friday, September 26, 2008

i like homeless people

i'm concerned about homeless people. i've been living in this neighborhood for two years and been a frequent visitor to it for much longer, and i have been started by the number of homeless people as of late.

i remember a time, probably about two years back, when there was a homeless man standing off of route 8 and buchtel, with a sign saying he needed food or work or some such thing. at the time i remember that my friends matt and adam went out to see him, to see what he needed.

now i would say that more often than not during the day, there is a homeless man there with a similar sign. and i've been watching to see if it's the same group of them, it's not. and the areas that they are starting to hang out in are spreading. it could be that the numbers aren't changing and the homeless are just moving around.

but it is not encouraging that i see different ones all the time. and other than the occasional cash or snack that i give them (yes, i do give money to the homeless), i have yet to think of anything that could be done about it. their signs all say that they want work... i have no work to give them. ideas? i don't want to sit here thinking that i can do nothing. i just don't know what i can do yet.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

quo vadis domine

one of the more basic things that we tend to teach children and newer Christians is that God will lead the way and show us the path before us.

Knute has always taught (sometimes rightly, and sometimes to my dismay) that you can follow the will of God no matter where you go, and to an extent, no matter what you do. He always teaches that being in the will of God is not about specific places - "God doesn't care if you live in Florida or Ohio", and not about specific things - "God doesn't care if you're an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, or a pastor." and to some extend of course he is right.

but I had been bogged down in this thought, and afraid, because in thinking that i could do anything and still be within the will of God, i became afraid that God didn't have a plan and i was going to have to figure out what to do with my life on my own.

but that's not what we teach... we remember the Israelites, who had a pillar of fire before them, and of Jonah, who was sent to a city he despised, and of Paul, who was sent to the Gentiles (and of Peter, who wasn't really), and of Nehemiah, who returned home to build the walls. and we teach that God has a plan (the famous Jeremiah 29:11), and that God has a plan for each one of us.

"Guide me Oh Thou Great Jehova" alex's blog reads.

"Quo Vadis, Domine" - the title of a pretty decent book, which can be poorly translated from the Latin to say, "Lord, where do we go from here?" (which the author attributes to be the sentiment of Peter, after the Lord had left.)

as i sit here envious of my friend joe and a man named strivings, and of anne and aaron, for the paths that God has led them in... i guess it's time to take comfort in my basic disagreement with Knute, that God does has something specific in mind for me, and it will be revealed in His time.

Friday, September 5, 2008

akron in the Fall

i went to cf for the first time this year last night, and while i knew it was coming, it was the first time it really hit me: my version of akron is different now.

i've been through changes before: i both moved to grove and moved back from grove. and i remember when i left grove to come back here, there was that terrible feeling hiding amogst my faith, that no matter what, i couldn't have all of the same things in my life anymore. there were some things (people) that i would have to move on from. things i loved.

and it hit me last night: akron is going to be different. this year is going to be different.

i had faith when i left grove that it was for a purpose ("akron OH - for a purpose", as my good friend Jon would have said, as he made the same change from grove that i did). and it was, and i love akron, and things are good.

but i feel like i have yet again come to the place where most of my best friends and people i admire the most are no longer by my side. but i can easily cling to my hope this time, because the last time i did this, God made things better than i even imagined.

i think that change is going to drive me back to my introverted self again for a while. so you might be able to read more of my life here.